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BIOSUN Ear candles have their origins in the century-old culture of the Hopi Indians and other cultures. The purely physical mode of action of Earcandles leads to a feel-good relaxation. Lovingly made by hand, we only use inspected, 100% natural ingredients such as cotton, beeswax, honey extracts and Indian herbs such as sage, St John's wort and camomile.


BIOSUN Earcandles have been successfully used in naturopathy by therapists for decades. 50 million successfully used Earcandles speak for themselves.


This service is delivered by Aberdeen Bowen & Emmett therapy and the Ear Care Clinic

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A natural and extremely relaxing therapy used traditionally by Native American indians, but also some claim, Egyptians, Chinese and the indigenous people of South America.

This treatment is completely painless and helps
to re-balance the ear by drawing out impurities. It’s a
relaxing, soothing and for some people, can be a natural alternative to syringing or ear irrigation.
Some claim this treatment is excellent for anyone who suffers from: sinusitis, migraines, headaches, simple head-colds, glue ear, hayfever and even excessive ear wax build up.

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