Cancellation Policy for the Ear Care Clinic
How do I reschedule/cancel?
Should you need to change/cancel your appointment please click the "Change/Cancel Appointment" button on your email booking confirmation to reschedule your appointment a minimum of 24 hour ahead of your scheduled appointment time. We have a 24 hour cancellation policy in place.
Cancellations must be made a minimum of 24 hours ahead of your sceduled appointment.
We appreciate 'things happen' outside your control, so if you think you might not make your appointment, it makes sense to reschedule it to a day and time you can definitely visit the Ear Care Clinic.
If you have to cancel within 24 hours before your appointment, then it is most unlikely we will be able to fill your appointment slot. This will result in 100% loss of your total appointment payment as we have no time to advertise the slot.
Please email ecc@urbanwellnesshub.co.uk to confirm if you would like a refund
Once a refund has been requested by you, we will manually request the same for you via Stipe (our payment platform). Stripe hold your money, not the Ear Care Clinic.
Refunds take 5 - 10 working days to appear on a client's statement.
Stripe’s fees for the original payment won’t be returned by the payment provider (this is approximately 0.95p that is automatically set by the online payment provider as they charge for every cancellation requested, but there are no additional fees for the refund.
Any no shows or cancellations made with less than 24 hours of the scheduled appointment time will be 100% full payment. As we have kept this appointment time specifically for you and will be unable to fill the space with another paying client.
If you have simply changed your mind about using the services within 14 days of your receipt of our confirmation of your order, that's not a problem.
Please email ecc@urbanwellnesshub.co.uk to confirm that you would like a refund.
Refunds take 5 - 10 working days to appear on a client's statement.