Health & Vitamin
Some of the benefits you may gain from these injections are below. These can be done individually or in a combination, depending on the individual. Prices are shown on the booking page HERE
Vitamin Injections:
Vitamin B12 - Increase energy levels | supports mood, sleep & hormones | promotes cellular health
Glutathione - Improves appearance of skin & skin conditions | works on cell damage & renewal | wound & tissue repair | increases circulation | supports stamina.
Vitamin C - Aids immune system & increases iron absorption | promotes brighter complexion | anti oxidant (protects against free radicals) | supports collagen production.
Vitamin B Complex - Increases energy levels & vitality | supports skin conditions | combines all B Vitamins to help the body function.
Biotin - For healthy skin, hair & nails | works on sluggish metabolism to prevent fatigue, digestive issues, poor mood & weight gain | supports blood glucose levels.
Vitamin D - Support immune system | protect against heart disease | aids absorption of calcium & phosphate in the body ( essential for muscles, teeth and bones) | restore energy & combat fatigue.
How do I book?
Please use the link below to find availability and book your appointment for the Health Injection clinic. Your appointment time will be bookable with the Advanced Nurse Practioner via our online booking site:
For further information and the important wee print:
Vitamin Injections Terms & Conditions click HERE
Vitamin Injections Pre Care, Contraindications, Consent and Post Care click HERE